Roadmap. Part #02

The following networks are planned to deploy the Protocol: Aptos, ZKSync.

Product DAO Envelop plans to move forward with the following steps:

  1. Release zero, first, and second versions of the SAFT wNFT dApp - an application for creating a bundle of wNFTs in a single transaction.

  2. Launch a farming dApp built on the developed Protocol:

    • Version 0: with an unlimited reward pool.

    • Version 1: with a limited reward pool and support for farming multiple ERC20 tokens simultaneously.

  3. Develop a launchpad for selling NFTs and wNFTs:

    • Version 0: sale of only wNFTs, a single-trading application.

    • Version 1: sale of NFTs and wNFTs, a multi-trading application.

  4. Conduct research and develop an MVP crosschain solution for transferring liquidity from one EVM network to another. Release a full version of the dApp with decentralized liquidity across networks.

  5. Develop multiple versions of an NFT minting service with data storage in decentralized repositories like SWARM and IPFS:

    • Version 0: NFT minting and data storage in Swarm.

    • Version 1: Addition of IPFS.

    • Version 2: NFT minting smart contract factory.

  6. Implement the use of a subscription service for payment within the DAO Envelop dApps.

  7. Develop a comprehensive platform for organizing online and offline events using NFT tickets. Conduct the first 10 events in 2023.

  8. Develop and launch a decentralized liquidity cryptocurrency exchange platform in 2023.

  9. Provide support for all DAO Envelop dApps through the development of an Oracle for transaction data in EVM networks.

Last updated